It was the last series in the Transformers franchise to be produced in Japan until the release of in 2013. In the anime, all of the Transformers are computer-generated, while the humans and backgrounds are rendered in traditional cel animation. All the original Japanese musical score and sound effects are completely replaced with brand-new American-made musical scores and sound effects in the English dub. Raghav Dance Music Mp3 Download on this page. Scenes were added that linked elements of the Armada and Energon stories to the show, using additional dialogue and reused animation to link the series together. In North America, the English dub was presented as a sequel to the previous two series, and. It was aired in Japan as a separate, rebooted Transformers series. A corresponding toy line was released with the series.ĭownload Lagu Beat It Michael Jackson Mp3.
, () Original run Janu– DecemEpisodes 52 () Transformers: Cybertron, known as Transformers: Galaxy Force ( トランスフォーマー ギャラクシーフォース) in Japan, is a 52-episode series co-produced by and, set in the universe.